Friday, June 14, 2019


  1. Hey ENT friends! My name is Megan Wordell and I am a rising junior in the Innovation Academy majoring in Political Science and Journalism with minors in Innovation and Sociology. A few of my talents include trying to be funny on Twitter, political organizing, and most of all I can eat a whole jar of frosting in one sitting! My more comical skills and experiences probably won’t be very useful in this project but they help me make light of more serious issues, such as the one my project is based around. While I don’t know my specific aspirations, helping people in some aspect of their life is very important to me and I think my values of empathy and compassion will really come through in this. 
 I am offering a stable source of affordable, healthy, and most importantly accessible foods to customers in rural food deserts 

My ideal customer is someone, perhaps a family, living in a rural area, with a shortage of access to local health options. I am mainly focused on fulfilling these needs in food desert areas.

Customers will care because this is a cost effective way for them to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

I think a few of my core competences include my professional communication skills and strong leadership style. I have had the chance through group projects in the past to expand upon both of these and it has really shaped the way I collaborate. Additionally, a few of my core values include empathy and compassion, both of with are related to helping the needs of others 

I feel that all of these competencies, skills, ideas, and values, will all mesh well together with my project topic. My work in politics and passion for humans rights issues is also directly related to this assignment; I learned about food deserts in one of my sociology classes, and it was the main source of a lot of my research for this project. I will be able to combine my passions for these issues with the skills I have gained in other works to bring this project to fruition.


  1. Hi, you did a great job detailing all the points for the assignment. Really good job explaining your product and your ideal customers. You did a really good job of relating your competencies back to your product and giving a lot of detail on the skills.

  2. Hey Megan, its great to hear you are continuing your idea of bringing healthy food to rural areas. In class we talked about the process in which consumers products. What did you think about the “need Awareness” portion of the buyers process? How would you show people they have this need? I believe this will help you create an active market.
