My ideal customer is proud to live in their rural town: a low income, small town family, that frequently attends church and enjoys the simplicity of their day to day life. My customer probably lives in a small family, possibly two or three kids, maybe homeschooled. Politically they are probably more conservative as they live in a rural area and are quite religious. They probably watch the news and focus on more local events as they are very in tune with their community.
I don’t have very much in common with my character avatar. I mainly chose this type of customer after learning about a need for this service in a class about health disparities. While I do recognize our differences, I think it is important to recognize barriers to equality of opportunity and this is something my innovation really focus on. 

Hi Megan! I think your customer avatar fits your target market quite well. It might help you to go deeper into the mind of this person. Why do they live in this community? Why might they go for the local McDonald's instead of better options? Even if they had access to healthier foods, would they know how to prepare them? I think the answers to these questions might give you greater perspective on how your business idea would function in this avatar's life.
ReplyDeleteGreetings, I believe that our customer avatar could be very similar as the majority of my customers would be in the rural areas. These customers are hardworking people who often cannot afford to travel out of town for healthy food and I support any effort to bring it to them. I enjoyed the use of your image to bring home the point about your customers.