Friday, May 31, 2019

Assignment 7

  1. The issue I would like to focus my innovations on is increasing safety on campus and preventing campus sexual assault. This is a serious problem on UF’s campus as well as campuses around the country.

Who: students 
What: creating mechanisms to prevent campus sexual assault 
Why: to increase safety 

Testing the who: I believe that many other students feel the same way about this issue
Testing the what: I believe that creating mechanisms including the blue light emergency system on fraternity row would positively impact this
Testing the why:  I find that students would be positively impacted by the increase of safety measures 

Post Interviews: after talking with friends who are more involved in Student Government than I am, it is apparent that this has been an issue people have tried to combat in the last few semesters. There are no blue light emergency poles on fraternity row and many students are concerned about this 


  1. Greetings Megan,
    I would have enjoyed reading those interviews. I think its really telling of how important this issue is for many women on campus as it is frequently brought up on opportunity posts. It’s such an important issues that deserves the bandwidth of the many talented people that UF has. Ive always been curious about the effectiveness on the Blue poles. I hope the University places more of them, perhaps in a secondary more discrete form as well?

  2. Hey Megan! I agree with your issue it is in defiant need for help. I thought that you planned out your assignment very well, although I would have liked to see or read the responses from the people you interviewed. This is a great step into making a change if they implement the blue light signals around high points of crime off campus.

  3. Hi Megan! I'm super excited to see you tackle this issue this semester. It's despicable that there are no blue lights on Fraternity Row, but even if there were, I'm not sure how effective it would be toward sexual assault prevention on campus. Perhaps you can explore other solutions for this project. It's an important problem, and I'm glad you chose it.

  4. Hey Megan! Its awesome to see someone tackling a serious problem on campus! Its interesting to see someone else who is trying to improve an already fleshed out idea because I have been doing the same type ofd thing just in a different field. I truly hope you decide to move forward on this idea and I can't wait to see what you end up doing with this idea in the future!
