Friday, August 2, 2019

The End: I Still Can't Spell "Entrepreneur"

Is it August already? I can't even believe I mapped out an entire business in 13 short weeks. I've learned, I've grown, I've stress cried...but it was well worth it.

I think my most formative experience was when I took a class on health disparities that taught me about rural health which was the inspiration behind my entire idea. It's something that often goes overlooked and I liked researching it more in depth throughout the semester. This is definitely a topic I will continue to learn about in the future.

Honestly, after this semester, I do not see myself as an entrepreneur. But that is okay! We don't all have to be the same, business driven people. I can make a difference in a different way.

Dear future students,

You will be okay. I promise. I know it seems overwhelming and Friday nights might be spent frequently calling friends for an interview, but you will grow from this. Stay ahead, stay focused, stay passionate. Also do not forget the cupcakes

Also learn how to spell entrepreneur. I still cannot but you really should give it a shot. You'll write it a lot.


your favorite non-entrepreneur,

the people that supported me through my breakdowns <3
(PS if you are in IA apply for ambassadors!!)


  1. Greetings Megan, I still cant spell it either and I am one. I think that this has a lot of really good skills that it teaches you, one of which is developing a reliable. Strong group of friends that support you through your misadventures. I know that I couldn’t accomplish anything without mu team of people in myy life that support you and push you forward. Good luck!

  2. Hey Megan,
    I still can't spell entrepreneur either so I am very thankful for autocorrect. I like how you took a positive perspective out of this class even though it didn't fit your situation. Like you said, there are other ways to be successful and I am sure you will find one of those ways in your future! Great job!

  3. Hey Megan. You’re not alone in your spelling troubles, I have some as well, and it seems others do too. I never thought about someone coming into this class, going through this experience, and yet admitting they probably won’t be using the skills they learned. And I don’t mean that in a bad way, some of us take a class, and feel like we have to use what we learned, or else it's a waste of money. You took a very positive perspective to it. Nice one
